We went to southwest anchorage, early this morning. We received fuel, water, and supplies. And most of all, mail. Tonight we are going to screen, which is much better than patrol duty any day. There were two air raids tonight. It was pouring so bad at times we had to leave our guns and go for shelter.
Same as usual, sweeping along the island. Today was pretty rough sea. But very little rain, for a change. This evening we had two more GQ’s. Bogies were very close, but never bothered us. They are raising all kinds of hell at the west anchorage. Here is hoping they come no closer.
Today we swept between the two main islands. We anchored at Naha during the afternoon. We managed to trade movies. Deanna Durbin in “First Love” [1939]. Oh, what a gal! At 1900 we went on patrol at the north end of the island. About dark we picked up bogies. They kept coming until they were right above us. A DD started opening up on them. Shells and flares were bursting all around us. It was so light you could write a letter. We steamed ahead full-speed to escape the light. About the time we were again in darkness they were opening up on them some place else. They were being knocked down right and left but kept coming from somewhere. This kept up at different intervals all night long. We didn’t mind much, except the sleep we lost.
Routine sweeping. It is still raining, off and on all day. At least it is cool, and we’re able to sleep at nights without sweating too much. Right after daylight, the air raids started. Three bogies were headed right for us. We saw them far enough away, that we were ready for them. Just before they got to us, one peeled off, and suicided on a PCS, but missed by a hair. The other two circled around us, getting closer and closer. We all figured this was the end, and was going to go down fighting. They dipped and turned several times, as though in a dive. We have very little firepower or ammunition to waste, so we held our fire until they would be right on us. Believe me there wasn’t a man who wasn’t thinking of a prayer of some sort. Just about the time you feel you can’t hold your nerves or fire any longer, they passed over us, and went for bigger ships. We have seen one plane, many of times get through a barrage of two hundred or more ships, and successfully hit something. Planes all around, diving on any size or shape of vessel, and us alone from any help, and no firepower is enough to freeze a man in his tracks. Death does not seem so terrible to watch others die and be blown to bits. It does not make you nervous or pray for safety. Only when it is a matter of seconds away from yourself, do you think of yourself, and how you want to live, and not die. Many pictures flash before your eyes, your school days, your folks and home, your sweetheart, the future, and all it has to offer you. You think of God and his teachings—what you have done, right and wrong. So many things happen at once, it is like a dream. When it is all over you forget about the beauty of life, and what it has to offer you. Things are normal again, and you go on living as before. Along about noon, a merchant ship nearly took our fantail off. We had our sweep gear out and couldn’t back down, nor neither could she, because of her size and weight. We all but touched them. Just another narrow escape, with good luck in our favor again. Tonight we are on patrol-duty off some island, for suicide-boats and anything else that may come along.
Routine sweeping. It rained so hard all day, we were unable to do much work. Rain or not, we still had GQ. We have more by day than by night lately. That helps all the way around. We finally received a movie for our projector. We had given up hopes long ago. When you least expect it, here it is. The show we had today was “Old Acquaintance” [1943], starring Betty Davis. It was a very good show.
Routine sweeping, only this time a little more exciting. Air raids were staged all day long. Very seldom do they come in broad daylight. Let them come by daylight. They haven’t a chance. We will get them every time. The rain is still pouring. It looks like too cloudy of weather for any air raids tonight. We just received word that many ships were hit severely. I guess the last bunch really hit.
Again, routine sweeping. It is still raining off and on all day. At least we get plenty of fresh water for the washer. We had a mail call this afternoon. Not many, but a few letters. Air raids kept us up practically all night. Bogies were so close at times, you could hit them with a baseball, and I mean just that. Many were shot down. The others missed their objective. Luck was with everyone tonight.
Routine sweeping, same as before. It is still raining. At times it looks like a cloud burst, then the sun will shine. This Jap weather is just as stupid and etcetera as they are. Tonight was a rather long GQ. They just kept coming from somewhere. They are after our airfield, or I should say, their airfield. We just borrowed it and didn’t give it back. I think they are sore about it, because they are so precipitant about it.
Routine sweeping, the same as before. It started raining this morning, and hasn’t quit all day. Oh, how we like the rainy days. The Japs don’t like rain, so things are a little more peaceful. However, we still had one raid.
We started routine sweeping early this morning. By noon we were secure. I worked on logs all day, and finally caught up. Taking care of them is really hard on me, as bad as I hate to write. Two air raids tonight. Most of them were destroyed, and the others done little damage.
Early this morning we returned to [Nakagusuku-Wan; “Buckner Bay”]. They are still fighting it out. Some how they keep coming out of holes here and there. The city is just as flat at a highway. No liberty there. Bogies bothered us again. Very little damage was done this time. Or scout planes, and seas planes took a lot of our hands. I notice today some of the fellows’ nerves are going, and going fast. I hope mine hold out. I don’t get scared and freeze, as I have seen some do, but my knees get a little wobbly now and then. While action is going on, you fell fine. In fact you just can’t wait for something to shoot at. After it is all over, you begin to realize what has happened. Then is when you shake. My first plane is the only time I have shaken. But I have come mighty close to it many times.
Another fellow got transferred back to the States. Each one that leaves, gets a little closer to me. However I don’t expect to go back until the war is over. Just staying alive is our biggest worry. Bogies came by groups tonight. Many were shot down, while others done heavily damage. Now a few of them are dropping bombs, instead of suicide attacks. They must have finally found out, they haven’t much left, and had better save what they have got.
We received new water and flushed out our tanks. Now you can drink a little water without getting sick. I didn’t realize I drank so much water until them. We have had a few days availability, so we should get fixed up in pretty good shape. The ship is changing command soon. We don’t know just exactly what is going to take place, but we do know it saved our necks. We were to go with the bunch that left for the China cost. They call it suicide detail, because very few come back. They go so close to shore, they haven’t got a chance. Not enough fire power. Nothing unusual tonight except two more air raids. A little damage was done, but not much.
Again we finished early, and are on our way to another anchorage. If I ever learn the names of these screwy places. At least I know my directions, and one Island from another, all but the names. We received gas, and water from a minelayer. The water is fifty per cent salt, so we are worse off than before. Tomorrow we will have to change. At dusk we picked up bogies. They keep coming and going. Ships were hit about 1000 yards away from us. This lasted until after mid-night. Besides that I have to get up at 0330 to go on watch. The rest of the fellows are as tired as I am though. Maybe tomorrow I will get a little sleep.
We quit sweeping by 1200, and are on our way to anchor. We borrowed a show from LST-122. “Andy Handy Leads a Double Life”. It was plenty good. This evening Jap planes are quite plentiful. We have orders not to shoot, as we are being screen, and they may pass over without seeing us. Well it worked, but they came so close, you could hit them with a rock. It looks as though they are headed to another anchorage. There is a few reports of ships being hit.