We reached our objective alright, and are off to an early start. Two AM’s lost their pigs, and we recovered them. They are so big, we have very little space left. Right after dinner, we started laying san buoys. We are quite alone now with all these subs and etcetera. Somehow, no one cares. We have seen as rugged a duty as you will ever see, and gotten through alright. So, why worry now. Now we are spotters. We race to a san buoy, and circle it until the convoy catches up. We race ahead to another one and etcetera. One sub was picked up 1,000 yards away. He finally dived away, so was forgotten about. This evening, as the preceding evenings, we will leave the mined area and patrol in formation, throughout the night, resuming our work early the next morning. So far, we have been very lucky as far as air raids and sub attacks and etcetera are concerned. It won’t hurt my feelings if we never do again. We could all use a good night’s rest.