This is a pretty great piece to have. This is my grandfather, about to finish up boot camp. He is just over 19 in this recording and eerily has the exact same accent as he did into his 80s, albeit sounding much younger. Below you can play the original audio recordings, though I’d advise reading along with the transcripts.
The LP had aged over time and has hairline fractures across the surface. The disc itself is a coated disc of some kind, so the audio surface is what is cracking and warping in pieces, like old paint on a wall. I was able to get a pretty good ripping of the audio anyway, with a bit of static and some truncation on the second side (recorder malfunction?). The indiscernible portions are due to Chuck talking too quickly and with accent, moreso than the hardware degradation.
Audio Recording, Side 1:
CDP audio letter home, side 1; Hawaii, December 15, 1943
Well, I finally finished my training after several weeks and boy am I glad to be out of there. They’re hollerin’ at you and well, it just seemed like nobody gets along with each other. I ah, have to be a platoon leader, why (indiscernible) ah, paid a lot more…’til then, why, standing guard duty and such things as that. Why, they just seem to bother me a lot. I don’t know. As far as my health is now I, regular job, sleeping regular, getting up regular, and exercising and everything like. I feel pretty good, just once in a while, why it bothers me.
I put in for the music school but, ah, well I went out and tried out and there was no openings. So they, I either sent to music school or I’d have to go to sea. Well, I didn’t get to go to school, but I joined this motor machinist school and I didn’t like going very well at first, but now why, ah, what they say it’s supposed to be one of the best schools there are. We ah, learn all about the diesels, how they run on gas, we’re what they call a suicide squad. I don’t know how true it is, course I haven’t been in long enough. We go to school at 7:50 in the morning and get off 11 o’clock for chow and have to go back and clean up the place by noon. Then, we go from 12 o’clock ’til 4:45, then we clean up the place ’til 5 o’clock.
Audio Recording, Side 2:
CDP audio letter home, side 2; Hawaii, December 15, 1943
[truncated] (indiscernible) chow and get through chow, then we get liberty every night. Fortnight, we have to stand some guard of some kind. You get behind on your lessons, they make you, ah, study from six ’til nine. So far, I’ve been keeping up. I hope I learn it better. Most of the guys have had some training in some way. Either taking it in college or high school or have some jalopy to fix up. Well, I don’t know too much about it, but I think I can get along alright. I hope anyway.
Well, it’s the first time in my life I ever really been around ships and boy it’s sure exciting seeing these marines every day coming and going on these ships. They just go out and just gives you the feeling of (indiscernible) I’m just looking for the day I get to go out there. I hope it won’t be long. This school was supposed to last eight weeks and then either you go to an advanced course, or else uh, they send you to school to focus on the landing guard (indiscernible) do something (indiscernible) going back to Japan. Four out of three men on the boat. I guess we’re part of the boat after we get out there. I hope I get put on a (indiscernible) sub. I’ve announced for sub duty but, I have really a very slim chance of that. They only send four men out of the class and there’s 40 men in the class, so I doubt if I have very much chance.
I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas. And tell everyone hello for me and sure wish (indiscernible) don’t know what you miss (indiscernible) Well, I miss Don and I miss all of you (indiscernible) [truncated]
It sounds as though he says “fourth night” when talking about standing guard. I don’t know if he actually meant every fourth day, or if he actually said “fortnight”, The Old English word for every two weeks (every fourteen nights).